Sunday, February 3, 2013

Go Nature!

The first greek god ever was actually a goddess they called Gaia, or mother nature.

"Mother Nature is always working to achieve and maintain harmony, wholeness and balance within the environment. Mother Nature heals, nurtures and supports all life on this planet, and ultimately all life and health depend on Her. In time, Nature heals all ills."

This is a photo i took on a trip to lake placid i went on with a few friends over the summer. It was an amazing time full of cliff jumping, playing in a small (but still significant) pile of snow, driving fast on long perfectly curvy roads, stargazing, and hiking. AND smores of course, cant believe i almost forgot that detail.

I just enjoy how this tree didn't happen to pay any mind to the giant boulder and was like, whatever, ill just root myself around you. and thats a boulder if i've ever seen one (note my friend Graham standing ontop of it for a frame of reference)

This photo reminds me of something i saw one time while browsing on the interwebs. It was this comic of a little boy talking to an interpretation of Gaia. 

so the boy looks to Gaia and thanks her for providing him with a place to live, play, and explore and whatnot. She, of course says its not a problem and thats simply what she is here for. The expression on the little boys face changes suddenly. He starts to apologize for all of the thingswe are doing that is killing her
she simply says

"oh little boy, you're not killing me, you're just killing yourselves. I'll still be here once you are all gone"

... I had never thought about that. I think i always knew things go back to nature and such, but i never thought about the extent of the entire human population essentially. When we are all gone (unless we royally mess up and nuke erythang) nature will still be here. we don't own the land we claim as ours, we are simply borrowing it from this earth. We aren't helping with all of out pollution  but it makes you appreciate that Gaia is more resilient that the entire human race.

Go nature

here are a few more lake placid photos!

sunset at lake Champlain 

sometimes even pictures dont do justice to the beauty!

im a little teapot?

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