Thursday, February 7, 2013


Its funny how you never really appreciate something until its not there as a constant in your life. I come from beautiful Bucks County Pennsylvania, and when i lived there i hated it so much. I thought it was boring and to be honest some of the people annoyed me simply because i was there in the environment every. single. day.

Perspective is a complicated thing when you think about it. Things can become so familiar that you almost stop appreciating them. Take for instant your walk to and from class each day or even your drive to work. Do you pay any mind to your surroundings or ever notice if anything is different? I'm trying this new thing where  i try and observe my surroundings like i would if it was my first time there. Like when i went on a tour of UNE i was constantly looking around and noticing every detail but now that it is the norm for me, i find myself becoming less and less observant. Try taking a new perspective, look at your surrounding next time you are going somewhere, i think you'll up noticing some really cool things! Especially in the car!

Even the slightest adjustment in your perspective can alter your take on every day life. I think we don't even realize how normal things become until something goes askew. we almost become desensitized to the things that are around us, which is a shame, because they're so beautiful! Sometime i change the simplest of things just to see the difference, like sleeping at the other end of my bed. 

Perspective is a big theme in photography, i think it can make or break a photo. Its easy to stand there with a camera and take pictures of things, but i think some of the most amazing and well known photographers do anything but that. they are constantly changing the way they look at the world, and noticing the finite details. My cousin Kyle said to me one day "I think as a photographer you just see the world a different way. like i would never have thought about what kind of light we would need for a picture."

that is all for todayy
thanks guys :)

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